
Visit of Spanish students to Iceland. Visita de los españoles del IES A. Machado

The students of IES Antonio Machado visited their partners in Verzlunarskóli, Reykjavik, and shared with them two intense weeks of learning and having fun together. During those days, the personal projects were presented, and some clases and visits to the Comenius and Etwinning officials at Reykjavik University, were shared, and, of course lots of free time were spent together.

Los alumnos del IES Antonio Machado visitaron a sus compañeros en Verzlunarskóli de Reykjavik y compartieron con ellos dos semanas de trabajo y de ocio intensos. Durante esos días se presentaron los proyectos personales realizados en powerpoint, se compartieron clases, visitas a los representantes de Comenius y de Etwinning en la Universidad de Reykjavik y tiempos de ocio.